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BiographyGrace Xiaogao Wu-Monnat was born into an ancestry rich in the traditions of the Chinese martial arts. Young Grace began her kung fu training with her grandfather, China’s well-respected grandmaster Wang Zi-ping, her mother, Professor Wang Ju-rong, New China’s first generation woman Wushu grandmaster, and her father, Dr. Wu Cheng-de, a prominent Wushu master and orthopedic doctor. During the Culture Revolution, Grace’s grandfather was forbidden to teach. Thus, as a child, Grace began to teach martial arts as her nearby grandfather’s teaching puppet. So began her lifelong quest to both learn and teach Chinese martial arts. Grace received a bachelor’s degree in physical education with an emphasis in Chinese martial arts from Shanghai Normal University. She was selected as a member of Shanghai Wushu teams and attended the Second National Minority Sports Games in Inner Mongolia. With her parents, Grace has coauthored a number of published articles on Wushu routines and Wushu for health in WuLing and Shen Ming Zai Yu Yun Dong magazines. She and her parents also authored 3 Volumes of the series “A Highly Respected Master Teaches You Martial Arts”---- Wang Zi-ping’s Martial Arts Routines Repertoire Selection, Wang Zi-ping’s Skill at Martial Arts Technique, and Wang Zi-Ping’s Martial Arts Weapon Repertoire Selection--- in the highly respected martial arts Masters instructional series. After immigrating to the US, Grace received a Master’s degree in Sports Administration from Wichita State University. She is the owner and instructor of the Grace Wu Kung Fu School in Wichita, Kansas. Over the years, she has also served as a judge of numerous regional, national and international Chinese martial arts tournaments in the US and China. To promote Chinese martial arts beyond the sports world, Grace and her husband, Dan Monnat, a lawyer and principle partner in Monnat and Spurrier Chartered, developed a continuing legal education program based on Sun Tzu’s, The Art of War, martial arts strategies, and practical legal principles entitled, “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Kung Fu Strategies for Trial.” Together they have taught the wisdom of Wushu principles and strategies to lawyers across the US. In the fall of 2006, Grace’s students held a Grace Wu Kung Fu School 20th anniversary celebration as a tribute to Grace and to express their appreciation for her shared knowledge, tireless teaching, and promotion of the Chinese martial arts.
吴小高简历GRACE WU-MONNAT BIO吴小高 (GraceXiaogaoWuMonnat)出生于武术世家。随从外祖父,中国著名武术泰斗王子平,母亲,新中 国第一代著名女武术家王菊蓉教授,和父亲,享誉著名武术伤科专家吴诚德教授。自幼习武,在热爱武 术的家庭的熏陶中成长。文革时期,青少年的她在外祖父的指点下,边学练武艺,又当他的小“代理教练” 传教他人。这开始了她的教学相兼的漫长武术生涯。吴小高毕业于上海师范大学体育系武术专业,获得 学士学位。曾被选为上海少数民族武术队去内蒙参加第二届全国少数民族运动会。历年来参与了不同层 次的武术比赛裁判工作。协助父母在《武林》《生命在于运动》杂志发表了多篇武术与健康,武术拳套 讲座,以及《武术泰斗教你拳》丛书;《王子平拳术套路精选》《王子平拳术技法》《王子平器械套路 精选》。留学美国后,在威奇托州立大学教育院,获得体育管理硕士学位。创办了王氏武术学校,现名 Grace Wu KungFu School. 不断为美国地区的,全国的及国际比赛当裁判。致力推广武术到其他领域,运 用孙子兵法和武术对打常识,与律师丈夫DanMonnat合作编写及演讲律师进修课程《藏龙卧虎,功夫计 策胜庭战》。2006年的秋天,她的学生们为她隆重举办了20周年校庆以表示对老师推广武术,孜孜不倦 地教学的敬爱。